Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Big-Ticket Sales Process

In this article I will cover the basics of the big-ticket sale. I come from a timeshare sales background. I became a legendary sales person in the industry in a very short time, and although many people think of the timeshare industry as very difficult and challenging, I manage to become a wizard at the high ticket sale, breaking all the records and setting new standards for the sales track. I got everything I wanted, the recognition, the growth, and nest of all… the money!
I will share my secrets with you progressively in each article. So make sure you follow them in sequence, I will do my best to add at least one article every week.
These first 2 concepts that you need to understand are: Sequence and Preparation.
It is an absolute must to have a sequence to your presentation. You must know where to start, where to go next, and so on, all the way to the end. Without a sequence you are nothing in the sales arena. Your pitch has to be sequential and there are different styles of sequence, based on different pitching styles and philosophies, and they all work, as long as you believe in your sequence. The original sequence that I learned I 1994 it was a salesperson-manager system and it was something like this:
  1. Greeting
  2. Warm Up
  3. Intent
  4. Test Close
  5. Break the Pact
  6. Survey
  7. Pencil Pitch
  8. Choice
  9. Urgency Statement
  10. Property Tour
  11. Trial Close
  12. Prices
  13. Ask for the Money
  14. Setup the Manager
Every step of the sequence got the customer closer to my outcome… get a sale! I was taught to memorize my script and my sequence and that was that. It was what they called a canned presentation. Although it was a great place to start, and it worked, I did not become a super star until certain shifts happened in my understanding of the sequence, how it worked in the customer’s mind and how it could be optimized.

Before you come back to the next article, it is important that you write down your sequence, there is no right or wrong, just write it down so we can have a place to start. After you write it down, I want you to think in terms of sequential results, and write down what is the result that you want to get for each step.

Think about the first step in the sequence described in this article. GREETING: What is the result you want from greeting your customer? One way to describe it could be to create a powerful first impression and make the customer feel confident that they are dealing with a professional. If you achieve that in your greeting, wouldn’t that be a successful greeting? So that is it!.

Now continue down the list with each step of your sales sequence and their corresponding goal or result. If you are not sure of what you are actually attempting to achieve in a one of the steps in your sequence, that is a big hole in your funnel through which a lot of money is leaking out of your system. Write you sequence, write the result for each step of your sequence, fix the holes in the process, practice and get paid big... big money!


  1. I have NO problem at all with making BIG money lol. Good post. I will try to follow your advice. I love this site!

  2. Asking for money is the hardest part for me! Nice tips. Bookmarked!

  3. Thanks for this! I need to come up with my own sequence. You have a nice writing style, and it's very easy to read.

  4. Great article! I love this process and will need to create one for my new online ebay business. You have helped a lot! Greatly appreciated!

  5. I think memorizing the script would be about the hardest part. Nice post! Bookmarked and shared!
