Thursday, March 8, 2012

Preparation is the key to the kingdom

Welcome to our next article on the Big Ticket Sale. In this article we will cover the power of preparation. Your future in sales depends on how much work you do while you are alone, in front of your notes, rehearsing, and optimizing your pitch. It is very helpful to connect with a colleague and work together, bouncing ideas to and from each other, and practicing your sequence together until it flows through you effortlessly. Meet on a set schedule to review your sequence, your persuasion tricks, and to give each other a field report from the trenches on how it is all working.

You must remember that a very small percentage of the sales people in your team are actually doing this voluntarily. Corporations usually in an effort to produce better numbers, creates mandatory training programs that although have an impact, it is very small compared to your exclusive “Sales Master Mind” meeting that you are having with your colleagues. It is a powerful ritual, and you will be rewarded… for sure!

Your homework for this week is to choose who will be your “Master Mind” colleague and you both must get together to review your sequence, the results that you expect out of each and every step of your sequence, and your will practice and audio record a your full presentation from A to Z. Discuss the differences in your pitch and your style of presenting!

See you next week, in which I will reveal a simple technique to erase and replace your customers mind filter, it will drive your sales through the roof, and that is what you want, isn’t it?


  1. It is just frustrating to come up with a VIRAL idea.

  2. Ok... I will be VERY selective in choosing my Master Mind colleague though ;) lol.

  3. Very nice article! Educational and I love how you give us homework! I feel like this is a REAL course :).

  4. I am hoping to be rewarded by this one day! I have been following every article on your blog and I am becoming more educated on social media and also how to really prepare to become successful online :-)

  5. Abraham Lincoln said “Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four hours sharpening the axe". This is the way any successful person should prepare for every battle. Don’t get me wrong I haven’t always been someone who prepares for every eventuality, however my biggest fear in life is failure and that fear will always drive me. Failure makes or breaks a person.
